
If money were no object…I’d be an English teacher?

This is the question that is supposed to guide the 9 to 5er toward their purpose: What would you do if money were no object? For a while now, the answer for me has been “read books,” but after posting about my latest reading resolution on Facebook, I considered that I may have ambitions ofContinue Reading “If money were no object…I’d be an English teacher?”


Ugh. Racists.

Sigh. I really didn’t want to talk about this, but it feels irresponsible not to. I’ve been compartmentalizing my blackness. It’s become second nature to me, but this past weekend has been making me itch so bad. Sunday afternoon, I walked my garbage to the curb for the hundredth time in years and saw aContinue Reading “Ugh. Racists.”


Cleveland Dad, Suburban Mom (my version of Rich Dad, Poor Dad).

The other morning while in the shower – where I do all my best thinking – I thought about what my Rich Dad, Poor Dad story was. What created a duality in my identity? The answer for me was pretty easy, being raised by my Suburban Mom, while spending weekends with my Cleveland Dad. IContinue Reading “Cleveland Dad, Suburban Mom (my version of Rich Dad, Poor Dad).”