
Thing Unsaid

I refuse to tell you the whole truthI know I profess to keeping it real butI promise it’s in my best interest to keep it 90% with you.I’m interested.But how deep in I can’t confess.It hasn’t been long enough to seem obsessed.Don’t worry though, my head’s on straightDon’t worry though, my heart’s not on aContinue Reading “Thing Unsaid”



Should this post be about the anger, the heartbreak or the madnessmaybe I should write about the struggle that’s removed by the gladnessor the sadnessI refuseto sit in a musedazed and amazed because my heart got confusedsee everything that changes me is a change that a chooseand I’m choosing right even if you somehow missedContinue Reading “Rant”



How do you apologize for the way you feel?How do you apologize for being a woman and filled with hormones? How do you apologize for hypersensitivity and behaving in a manner you wouldn’t expect?But those are real feelings aren’t they? Just the buried ones, right?Well then, how do you apologize for feeling hurt?For fighting backContinue Reading “Unapologetic”



I’ve got a lot of wordsEmpty collections of characters that lack the comprehension to serve my current interestSo from time to time I abandon youUntil I can regain appreciation for what you doYou tryAnd that is something of value But words aren’t artThey’re not windThey’re not a pulseThey can’t say a million things without sayingContinue Reading “Mute”