
Thing Unsaid

I refuse to tell you the whole truthI know I profess to keeping it real butI promise it’s in my best interest to keep it 90% with you.I’m interested.But how deep in I can’t confess.It hasn’t been long enough to seem obsessed.Don’t worry though, my head’s on straightDon’t worry though, my heart’s not on aContinue Reading “Thing Unsaid”


Warning: If You Don’t Believe in Prayer, Buzz Off

Right now, in this very moment you have the ability to change everything about your future. You already knew that, though thanks to the theory of determinism. All your future actions will be the result of previous actions. Cool, now let me share the really enlightening information. Atheists will think I’m being sarcastic when IContinue Reading “Warning: If You Don’t Believe in Prayer, Buzz Off”