Friday Top Five


What better time than Friday to dump all the crap that’s been cluttering your brain. All week I shower, and drive, and join meetings while unrelated thoughts play through my mind. Never when I have spare time or a notebook in front of me, just when I’m inconvenienced by life. If I’m lucky, I rememberContinue Reading “9/15/17.”


Fear of…pancakes?

This post was originally written April 2017. We can pretty much universally agree that fear is deconstructive. That it holds you back from achieving great things, that it’s counter to all the possibilities that the Universe actually has built for you. We strive to be courageous and think past fear. To leap when there’s nothingContinue Reading “Fear of…pancakes?”

Spoiler Saturdays

Death of a Liar (A Hamish Macbeth Mystery).

I met the character Hamish Macbeth late in his career as a lazy, romantically doomed police constable in Scotland. Having become familiar with M.C. Beaton’s Agatha Raisin series, I had an idea what to expect, but also no clue. The reasons I loved Agatha Raisin just couldn’t transfer across genders: Agatha Raisin is middle-aged yetContinue Reading “Death of a Liar (A Hamish Macbeth Mystery).”


My first best friend.

I feel like all the famous people had wild ass stories and maybe it’s no coincidence. Maybe that’s why they’re out doing amazing famous people things and I can go to my old high school and be mistaken for a sixth grader. I’ve only read a couple chapters of Kevin Hart’s memoir and they’re alreadyContinue Reading “My first best friend.”

Spoiler Saturdays

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear.

Big Magic was yet another book I needed to reinforce my subconscious understanding of life and purpose. I decided to finally listen to the book with the beautiful cover after a friend of mine gave me a spoiler. She told me about a story that Elizabeth Gilbert shared in the first few chapters – oneContinue Reading “Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear.”


It’s gonna be a why Christmas.

Becki is on vacation this week so I figure I’ll talk to you about a little problem I’m having. What do you do when the main person who makes Christmas Christmas suggests that they won’t be around this December 25th? I’m having visions of waking up to turn on the parade and then damning allContinue Reading “It’s gonna be a why Christmas.”